R V U, 2015
Crown fails to provide disclosure of maintenance records in a timely manner. Crown attempts to seek adjournment at date of trial. Crown application denied. All charges dismissed.
R V C, 2016
Crown refuses to drop charges. Trial proceeds. During trial, it becomes obvious that arresting officer had very weak grounds for making breath demand. Certificate of Analysis excluded. All charges dismissed.
R V M, 2016
Client involved in major car accident, but is not found driving the motor vehicle. All charges dismissed.
R V P, 2015
Client is charged with impaired/08 and taken to the police station. Police neglect to do “15 minute observation period” before breath sample taken. Crown cannot rely on evidentiary presumption, and neglected to retain extrapolation expert. All charges dismissed.
R V B, 2015
Client is charged with impaired/08 and taken to police station. Client has negative personality conflict with arresting officer. Officer decides to keep client overnight, despite having a way to get home. Officer illegally detained client, in breach of s. 9 of the Charter (arbitrary detention). All charges dismissed.
R V M, 2014
Client drives car while intoxicated in order to save the lives of other people. Crown refuses to accept any reasonable deal, and seeks period of custody. Trial proceeds. Client convicted at trial. Mr. Pearse appeals to superior court for free. Superior court upholds conviction. Mr. Pearse appeals to Court of Appeal for free. Court of Appeal overturns conviction. Crown does not appeal to Supreme Court of Canada. All charges dismissed.